Pain & Mobility
Charles is specialized in treating either acute or chronic pain using electro acupuncture. When Charles is treating his client with pain conditions, he often combines Eastern method (Traditional Chinese Acupuncture) and Western Method (Motor Point Acupuncture) together.
On eastern point of view, when there is a pain, there is a blockage of healing process of your body and blood circulation on affected. As a Traditional Chinese acupuncturist, Charles does not only promote body’s healing ability and blood circulation by inserting very thin needle on acupuncture points but also boost self healing process of our body.
On western point of view, when there is a muscle pain or tightness, it is occurred with muscle inhibitions. These are caused by various reasons including traumatic injury, stress or just no reason! Using low current electric stimulation on muscle motor points, it helps muscles to be recovered and relaxed.
Charles also often combines YNSA(Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture), Master Tung, and Balanced Method for instant pain relief as well as our clients most favorite cupping and Gua-sha (Jade Muscle Rubbing Massage Technique)!
Most commonly treated pain conditions in the clinic are :
- Lower Back Pain
- Sciatica Pain
- Hip Pain
- Shoulder & Neck pain (or Tightness)
- Frozen Shoulder
- Knee & Elbow Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis or Heel pain
- Headaches (Migraine, Tension Headache)
- Musculoskeletal Pain, Tightness or Weakness
- Bell's Palsy